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Virtual Laboratory Course in Chemical Engineering (VIPRATECH)

Being part of the greater project "Vernetztes Studium Chemie" VIPRATECH aims at developing Internet based teaching aids to provide the means for a virtual laboratory course in chemical engineering and unit operations.

While VIPRATECH is meant primarily for students taking chemestry, contents are also available for people interested in enlarging their chemical knowledge. Using VIPRATECH students will have possibilites to inform themselves about the theoretical background and the experimental setup before going ahead with the experiment. Secondly, VIPRATECH can help to visualize fundamental processes as well as clarify theoretical concepts needed for the evalutation of the received experimental data. One major advantage is the possibility to deepen one`s understanding of the underlying concepts while surfing the net.

Internet based teaching aids consisting of multimedial text books, interactive simulations and interfaces for observing/controlling experiments via the Internet for each element of the laboratory course (heat transfer, adsorption and others) will be developed in the near future.
Multimedial text books present the underlying theoretical concepts, explain the experimental setup and give detailed instructions on how to use the equipment. Multimedial elements such as videos, animated films and interactive graphics support the text.

Interactive simulations for each real experiment will be developed. These simulations can be executed -independent of the location- at any moment during the day. Another advantage is the possibility to simulate processes which otherwise could not be realized -due to financial reasons or because of the risks involved.

Another goal of VIPRATECH will be the ability to remote access selected real experiments of our laboratory course via the Internet. The student will be enabled to control the experiment using only a standard web browser. Critical data will be collected and evaluted online. Observing the experiment live using real-time video will be possible, too.

Kontaktadresse: Institut für Technische Chemie,
  04103 Leipzig, Linnestr. 3-4

R. Moros (moros@chemie.uni-leipzig.de)

  Tel. 0341 9736329
