Bean: vipratech.beans.DigitalMeter
Bean: vipratech.beans.HorizontalSlider
Bean: vipratech.beans.VerticalChartRecorder
Bean: vipratech.beans.SimpleDataSource
Bean: vipratech.beans.InterfacePanel
Applet: vapplets.DigitalMeterApplet (78K)

The above applet demonstrates two instances of vipratech.beans.DigitalMeter, one wired up to vipratech.beans.SimpleDataSource (using a property change event) and the other wired up to vipratech.beans.HorizontalSlider (using an adjustment event).

The DigitalMeter beans is fully customisable for the following properties:

The meter automatically carries out the mathematical function of rounding values to the correct number of decimal places and also identifying any unecessary leading zeros in value data.

The meter uses instances of the vipratech.beans.Digit object which is a general seven-segment display class. Here is is used to display the numbers 0 to 9, but it could be further customised to represent letters or other symbols that can be dreived from the seven segment display elements.